Adults & Teens Kung Fu Class
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Adults & Teens Kung Fu Class (ages 13+)
Our Adults & Teens Kung Fu Class is for students aged 13 and over who desire to train in Shaolin Kung Fu. We welcome students at any level, including total beginners and advanced martial artists. Our class is designed to challenge adults & teenagers both physically and mentally at each their level regardless of fitness level and prior experience with Kung Fu or any kind of martial arts. This class is conducted in an upbeat and friendly manner where each individual can learn at their own pace.
The reason an adult chooses to learn Kung Fu may be very different from a child. Are you looking for:
A great workout?
An effective means of self-defense?
A way to improve health or well-being?
A hobby which is entertaining and practical?
A way to improve your confidence and assertiveness?
A channel to relieve tension and stress?
Or perhaps you are a simply Kung Fu fanatic?
Whatever your personal goal is and however modest or ambitious those goals may be, we strive to help each individual achieve his/her goals. The adult curriculum starts with open-handed Shaolin forms and basic self-defense techniques. After students become proficient in basic forms, they will work more advanced moves and Shaolin weapons such as the Shaolin staff, broadsword, straight sword, and spear. Each student will be presented with new challenges at their level aiming to push their physical limits and improve their self-awareness. We also work on mental training in order to allow the mind to guide the body with precision and purpose. Through persistent hard work, students will attain mastery over martial arts forms of increasing intensity and difficulty and over themselves.
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